What We Believe, Teach, and Confess
Lutheran Church of the Cross is a congregation of the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod.
We hold and confess that the beginning, middle, and end of the Christian Life is that of Christ and Him crucified (1 Corinthians 2:2) for us.
Therefore, our life, faith, and worship focuses not on ourselves and what we bring, but on Christ and how He brings us all things through Himself in His gifts of Word and Sacrament.
In receiving these Gifts, we depart in His true Peace, being strengthened for life in the world and sustained unto life everlasting.
Salvation by grace through faith, purchased by Christ’s atoning sacrifice and poured out for us through His Word and Sacraments is the message we proclaim at Lutheran Church of the Cross for the life of the world.
If you are interested in learning more about our confession of faith and what it means to be an evangelical catholic, please contact our parish office.
Pastor: Rev. Aurelio Magariño

Rev. Aurelio Magariño was born in Havana, Cuba, 69 years ago. He emigrated to the United States in 1980 and embraced the Lutheran faith in 1985. He holds a Bachelor of Science in Secondary Education Mathematics, a Master of Science in Science Education, and a Master of Sacred Theology. He is pursuing doctoral studies in Doctrinal Theology at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis.
He completed his pastoral training in 1994. On January 28, 1995, he was installed as a Mission Developer at Redeemer Lutheran Church in Hyattsville, Md. He was ordained into the Holy Ministry on March 3, 1996, at that exact location. He is a published author and an Adjunct Instructor with the Center of Hispanic Studies in Concordia Seminary, St. Louis. He has served as a conference speaker at national and international events. From 2009-2012 he served as the Fourth Hispanic National Convention of LCMS president.
Rev. Magariño believes that ministry growth and effectiveness are related to the empowerment of the laity, men and women, young and old, as potential missionaries to our communities. He views every baptized Christian as a minister, gifted and empowered by the Holy Spirit to witness God’s love in Christ in words and deeds.
He is married to Graciela Virgilí and has three children and six grandchildren. They enjoy traveling, good food, dancing, and Latin music. Both reside in the city of Brookeville, MD.
On July 24, 2022, Rev. Magariño was installed as Pastor of Lutheran Church of the Cross. Prior to accepting this Divine Call, he served as vacancy pastor for Lutheran Church of the Cross since 2021. He continues to serve as Pastor for Iglesia Luterana Hispana Cristo Señor de la Vida, a Lutheran Hispanic Mission. Services are offered each Sunday in both English (at 10:30 AM) and Spanish (at 1:00PM).

Front row, left to right: Rev. Stoppenhagen, Rev. Wurdeman, Rev. Magariño, Juan Carlos Vasconez, Rev. Don Schaefer
Our History: The First 60 Years at LCC
On March 13, 1960, thirty-four people gathered together for the first time in a home on Falls Road in Rockville for worship. That gathering was the beginning of a new congregation, Lutheran Church of the Cross. Vicar Larry Lineberger, of the Lutheran Church of St. Andrew in Silver Spring, initially served this small group of Lutherans.
On April 24, 1960, LCC’s first pastor, Rev. Ralph C. Kruger, was installed. The charter service was held on October 16th, 1960, with forty-five members present. The name of the congregation, Lutheran Church of the Cross, was adopted from a Lutheran church of the same name in Rockville’s sister city, Pinneberg, Germany.
The membership eventually became too large for the house, which was also serving as the parsonage, and so services were moved to Julius West Middle School from 1961-1963. On May 12th, 1963, with support from the Southeastern District of the LCMS, a five acre site was purchased and the groundbreaking for the new building began at our present location on Falls Road, being finished one year later in 1964.
Six pastors have previously served Lutheran Church of the Cross since its charter was ratified in 1960.
Rev. Ralph Kruger: 1960-1968
Rev. Philip Gerken: 1969-1977
Rev. Bruce Barth: 1978-1983
Rev. Kenneth Carlson: 1984-1997
Rev. Lester Stano: 1998-2013
Rev. Christopher Harrison: 2015-2020
Rev. Aurelio Magariño: 2022-present
In 2020, LCC celebrated its 60th anniversary. We thank God for His many blessings throughout the years. Where much has changed throughout our history, we are ever-thankful that Christ and His Gospel remains unchanged. As we look to the next 60 years at LCC, we rest in the peace that Christ will continue His saving work through Word and Sacrament both now and forever.
+ Soli Deo Gloria +
+ Glory to God alone +