Church Calendar
Ongoing Activities
Free ESL Class – Tuesday evenings – on hold until April 1
Spring Session will begin on April 1. Tuesdays from 7:00 – 8:15 pm
We can help if you want to learn how to speak English, or you want to improve your English skills, or you want to prepare for the USA citizenship test (Naturalization Test).
To sign-up or for more information call or email:
Young Men’s Fellowship – Tuesday evenings 6:00 – 7:30 pm
Spring session is meeting on Tuesdays. Our studies and discussions will seek to provide men aged 16-40 years an opportunity to discuss God’s purpose for their lives, work, relationships, and more. Though this group is targeted for men of these ages, all men are welcome to join, participate, and help strengthen our cause as brothers in Christ. This is a place for men to bond and grow together.
Lutheran Links
Issues Etc. – Talk Radio for the Thinking Christian
The Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod